
13 Minutes

13 Minutes

Alors qu’une nouvelle journée ordinaire commence pour les habitants de la petite ville américaine de Siren, la nature en a décidé autrement. Les habitants n’ont que 13 minutes pour trouver un abri avant que la plus grande tornade jamais enregistrée ne ravage la ville. Ils vont devoir se battre pour protéger leurs proches et lutter pour le..

Nataly Fish

13 Minutes

13 Minutes

Natasha doesn’t know how she ended up in the icy lake that night, but she was presumed dead for 13 minutes because of it. Turning to her old friend Becca, they decide to figure out what happened to her. They decide to investigate Natasha’s two closest right-hand friends, but surely they couldn’t have done it… right?

Nataly Fish

Elser, un héros ordinaire

Elser, un héros ordinaire

Allemagne, 8 Novembre 1939. Adolf Hitler prononce une allocution devant les dirigeants du parti nazi dans la brasserie Bürgerbräu à Munich. Une bombe explose, mais Hitler ainsi que Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Martin Bormann et d’autres ont quitté les lieux quelques minutes plus tôt. L’attentat est un échec. Rattrapé à la frontiè..

Nataly Fish

13 Minutes of Horror: Sci-Fi Horror

13 Minutes of Horror: Sci-Fi Horror

Sci-Fi Horror has led us into the depths of fear and back again, from the mundane to the fantastical. It's the fear of the unknown, the fear of the depths of space, and the fear of where our technology will lead. Here, the winners of Nyx Horror Collective's 13 Minutes of Horror 2022 60-Second Film Challenge lead you through the wicked, the weird an..

Nataly Fish

13 Years, 13 Minutes

13 Years, 13 Minutes

A story of two boys caught up in the turmoil of the dramatic events of 1956 in Central Europe. At 13, Romek Strzalkowski was the youngest victim of the first workers' rebellion against Communist authorities in Poland. During "Black Thursday" on June 26, he was killed protesting near the UB political police headquarters. Peter Mansfeld was the young..

Nataly Fish

NYX 13 Minutes of Horror Film Fest: Folklore

NYX 13 Minutes of Horror Film Fest: Folklore

Inspired by folklore, the NYX 13 Minutes of Horror Film Festival collects 13 inventive, eerie DIY shorts directed by women. The NYX 13 Minutes of Horror film festival challenges the assumption that women “just aren’t into horror” by offering women horror filmmakers (including BIWOC, LGBTQ+ women, disabled women, and non-binary creators) expos..

Nataly Fish

13 Minutes in the Lives of...

13 Minutes in the Lives of...

A HKIFF short film by Stanley Kwan. Stanley Kwan takes us on a real-time bus trip from the airport to Kowloon in 13 Minutes in the Lives of… The heady and deadly mix of Hong Kong and cinema; wonder never ceases.

Nataly Fish

Thirteen or So Minutes...

Thirteen or So Minutes...

Lawrence Jefferies and Hugh Greerey are two straight men who have just met. Thirteen or so minutes later, things have changed for both of them as they open themselves to one another.

Nataly Fish

Quattro Hong Kong 2

Quattro Hong Kong 2

Four short tales set in contemporary Hong Kong.

Nataly Fish

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