
A Perfect Fit

A Perfect Fit

Jeune blogueuse de mode, Saksi se rend dans une boutique de Bali à la recherche de la paire de chaussures idéale. Elle ignore alors que son destin va basculer.

Nataly Fish

A Perfect Fit

A Perfect Fit

A psychological drama about an unstable man, tormented by nightmares, who seeks help from a shrink but is pushed over the edge into increasingly dangerous, psychotic territory by a relationship he is unable to control.

Nataly Fish

The Perfect Fit

The Perfect Fit

Patrick lives in a children’s home. After seeing a parrot in the zoo, he becomes obsessed with it, which makes it even harder to find parents who want to adopt him.

Nataly Fish

Zum Glück gibt's Schreiner

Zum Glück gibt's Schreiner

Nataly Fish

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