


La nouvelle année est sur le point d'avoir lieu. 5 amis s'apprêtent à la fêter quand des informations venant du monde entier annoncent que des explosions de violence ont lieu un peu partout. Un virus inconnu se répand...

Nataly Fish

Criminals : Le Dernier casse

Criminals : Le Dernier casse

Kirsten, mannequin, est la petite amie de Dee, artiste-graffeur. Pendant que Dee s’efforce de percer sur la scène artistique, son frère Marcus excelle dans les braquages et le vol de bijoux. Réunis pour le casse de leur vie, rien ne se passe comme prévu pour les deux frères et Kirsten.

Nataly Fish

The Antisocial Network : Mèmes à retardement

The Antisocial Network : Mèmes à retardement

Du "rickroll" aux théories du complot devenues virales, ce documentaire explore comment un site Internet d'échanges anonymes a fini par semer le chaos dans le monde réel.

Nataly Fish



(Anti)Social, the film about what life would be like if people behaved in real life the way they do on social media.

Nataly Fish

Vengeance en ligne

Vengeance en ligne

Jessie, une jeune codeuse de génie, est acceptée au stage d'entraînement pour jeunes innovateurs de Titan, une multinationale high-tech dirigée par Linus Springer. Ce dernier s'avère être le père de Jessie, qu'il a abandonnée à la naissance. Son ex-petit ami Mateo lui vole son application Clic Droit, plateforme d'échange révolutionnaire,..

Nataly Fish

Antisocial 2

Antisocial 2

Years after having her newborn child stolen from her, Sam searches a world infested with infected users from the Social Redroom website. After befriending a young girl named Bean, Sam is captured and locked in a facility dedicated to finding a cure for the Redroom Virus. Trapped and tortured, Sam tries to escape the facility before an impending upd..

Nataly Fish

Antisocial Behavior

Antisocial Behavior

How far would you go to confront the demons of your past? After twenty-something Joe plays a seemingly innocent drinking game at a party, he suffers a sudden violent blackout that awakens something sinister within. Much to his horror, they become more frequent in the coming days and bring with them visions of mind-numbing terror. As Joe questions h..

Nataly Fish

Antisocial Behaviour

Antisocial Behaviour

Jakob Kelser is a lonely man living in a run-down house on the edge of a council estate. After enduring weeks of aggrevation and torment from local youths , Jacob, in a last-ditch attempt to once again lead a normal life, plots his revenge on his unsuspecting tormentors. One by one, they're be taught a lesson. One by one, they meet their deaths.

Nataly Fish

Antisocial Behavior

Antisocial Behavior

Horror / Suspense - How far would you go to confront the demons of your past? After twenty-something Joe (Jackson Kuehn) plays a seemingly innocent drinking game at a party, he suffers a sudden violent blackout that awakens something sinister within. Much to his horror, they become more frequent in the coming days and bring with them visions of min..

Nataly Fish

In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment
Antisocial Old Buggers

Antisocial Old Buggers

There's a new scourge causing mayhem in Great Britain and it's not who you might expect! These seniors have received Antisocial Behavior Orders, been barred from local businesses, face eviction, have extensive criminal records, and more.

Nataly Fish

Anti-Social Limited

Anti-Social Limited

'You know you have screwed up in life when you can rate every prison in Canada on a five star basis.' Diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder with psychopathic tendencies, Chris Hoard has spent most of his life behind bars. Now he wants to leave it all behind. 'Move on. Life is a bitch.' He quits drinking and using, and decides to use his b..

Nataly Fish

The Antisocial

The Antisocial

A provincial café owner, Mimis, abandons his village in Chalkidiki and comes to Athens in search of a better life. He pretends to be a tough guy, a know-it-all, and behaves like an “antisocial”. With the help of a friend of his from the army, Aristeidis, he tries to set up his own business. At the same time, he falls in love with a seamstress,..

Nataly Fish

Dumb Money

Dumb Money

L’incroyable histoire vraie d’un homme ordinaire et de ses followers qui ont ébranlé Wall Street en misant sur GameStop, une entreprise à laquelle personne ne croyait. En engageant toutes ses économies sur un pari fou, Keith Gill et ceux qui décident de le suivre, vont gagner beaucoup, beaucoup d’argent : Wall Street a ses nouveaux loups..

Nataly Fish



William, 17 ans, solitaire, passe son temps sur internet et ouvre un forum de discussion pour les adolescents de sa ville. Rejoints par Eva, Emily, Mo et Jim, tous vident leurs sacs sur leurs parents, leurs soi-disant amis, leurs émois, leurs traumatismes. William, très à l’écoute, les conseille et les incite à s’affranchir de leurs probl�..

Nataly Fish

Per i miei amici è tutto okay

Per i miei amici è tutto okay

Nataly Fish

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